Open Geneva Hackathons 2017 in figures
- More than 20 hackathons all over Geneva
- About 400 participants
A few examples of hackathons
See the detailed hackathons list for more information
HUG - Hackathon des HUG
HP - Smart City Hack (SCHK'17)
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics - Scratch Programming for Kids and their Parents
Hospice général - SocialUp After hack
BeltCompass (UNIGE) - Accessible Geneva!
Bioblitz (UNIGE) - Le numérique au service de la biodiversité ?
Bioscope (UNIGE) - BioFabbing
Bodmer Lab (UNIGE) - Geneva Open Libraries
Centre Universitaire Informatique (UNIGE) - Prototypage de politiques du numérique
Geneva-Tsinghua Initative (UNIGE) - After Hack Hackathon
Mouvements des Etudiants en Géographie (UNIGE) - Mapathon Missing Maps